2013-03-24 Fine line between redundancy and hoarding

I need a simple life.  It occurs to me that keeping all these different computers is no longer necessary.  I need only two.  I have five. I need an offline desktop for private stuff that has a printer attached, and my new Chromebook.  When I made this suggestion to my friends, family, they were all for it.  When I pointed out that I would lose a certain amount of redundancy, e.g. like playing DVDs.  They pointed out that we had multiple places to play a DVD.  My purpose was to reduce the hardware and software to maintaining what I use.  I am tired of spending any extra time with fixes and updates, especially those older devices and redundant systems. Between myself and my family, we can usually “cover” any hardware/software issue with another machine.  There are low cost refurbished machines everywhere for reasonable prices.  So I agree, that it was silly to keep myself surrounded by equipment that gathers dust bunnies instead of being useful.  However, when I suggest the same idea to them, there was a bit of a rebuff.  MYOB was what I thought they were thinking.  Anyway, I’ve learned to set an example and maybe, they will see the value and follow suit.  In any case, there is a very fine line between maintaining redundancy and hoarding.  I’ll admit I become attached. I have stuff that I do not want to lose.  Never mind that I will not ever use it again.  If I keep the best of my old desktops running the least troublesome of my operating systems, offline but ready to be connected (in an emergency) and  I keep my backups up to date, which is critical,  I can get down to a desktop and a Chromebook.  I want a new camera.  I could use the money, even if I don’t get much for trade ins.  And, we could really use the room.  Less housekeeping on that dust.  Then, maybe, the more than five, but less than ten other machines that my family has out there that occasionally make it back to me for updates and refurbishing could be reduced, as well.  Surely they will see the benefits from my example? Lol.

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