2012-06-10 Another really special day.

Yesterday was a really great day because you were born.  I can already tell you are going to be a unique individual, but naturally we were comparing you to your big sister, your “nana”, and your aunt, who kept shaking her head and giggling from all that ‘deja vu’.  I was so impressed with your hands, they seem to be exploring more than your eyes.  It was a bright sunny day outside.  Your big sister was born at night, and she seemed to always be keeping one eye open even when she was supposed to be sleeping.  You, on the other hand, kept both eyes closed, but your mouth went wide open and your face bright red at the least disturbance and you’ve got a way of letting us know when you are not pleased! Of course, your great grandfather said, “You were nice and comfortable and doing just fine until they brought you out into the world.”  It’s true, but we know that you will just love it as soon as you get a little used to it.  Your big sister was sad that you were not yet big enough to play, but your father reminded her what they had already explained, that what seems like long time will be not much time at all and you who is too little to play, will turn into that constant shadow that follows her everywhere.  She said that she would be your shadow.  She liked the word “shadow”.  She knows the word “dinosaur” and she is only two.  She sang “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” for you.  She also sang other songs, told us all to be quiet, played with your “It’s a Girl” balloon, opened all your cards for you and made us read her new book, “I’m a Big Sister”, over and over, just in case we forgot. Your “nana” sat at the little table, in a little chair, reading to us outloud.  [INSERT PIC HERE]. We were all so “wowed” by your presence and your beautiful, beaming, but tired momma, your “Pa” “Pa” taking pictures and your “Popa” grinning from ear to ear. I am so amazed you are here, so pleased to meet you and so happy that you will have a lifetime to get to know all of us, your loving relatives, especially, selfishly, your grand aunt, me.

2012-06-09 Website(s) “Birth” Day

Added links to all current websites to inventory database. Set Google recovery to cell.  Started another chapter(s) in Drupal for Dummies. Provided for gmail user for gallery website only.  Not yet tested web site differences and constraints.  Sent email invite. Picture on adhesive business card ink got wet and smeared.  Need to rethink the magnetic prints.

2012-06-07 Wikipedia Day

Worked on wikipedia.org updates for museum artists and pictures in database which is reference for fiction project.  Note: while updates seemed to work, I had some e-mails concerning the talk and recommendations for formatting.  My talk question was how to get the title(s) searchable, since the revision(s) I made were due to the fact that one artist(s) had several names.  Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art [https://crystalbridges.org/] list(s) Marie-François-Régis Gignoux while wikipedia has him as: Régis François Gignoux.  Added aliases to his website and references to the “Mammoth Cave” painting, a favorite at the museum which was also, necessary for reference in fiction project.

2012-05-29 First Drupal Sites

3D Butterfly Tatoo

Two new web sites started on basic (free), learning by doing, though lynda.com has tutorials. (cost) [2018] use skillshare.com  The rotating banner was difficult to work with until understood that the graphic needs to have white space at full page width in order to show text properly.  While I like the rotating banner, it can be distracting.  Used PowerPoint to bevel pictures with reflective bottom.  Added copyright text statement and then used Paint on .jpg to extract the banner wide enough with added white space.  Adjust pictures to same height, let picture width of original jpg default to correct aspect ratio.  Note: the tatoo has absolutely nothing to do with this, I just thought it was cool.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Looking back:

Amaya (www.w3.org) editor preview of svg HTML5 graphics:

Amaya according to wikipedia uses a browser that allows for testing of all the new features, which means that using Amaya we can experiment with features before they are available.  I don’t know how many times I was asked to get graphs into web pages and this could be a lucrative answer.  It is quick and clean.  Check out the screen capture below for a little taste of what’s to come:


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Looking back:

Finding my stuff and Google Fusion Tables

I keep handy notes, notepads, file of my favorites, and a database with URLs, etc. and still, I cannot find what I’m looking for.   After the frustration sets in I usually   realize, it was on that other computer I was using.  Did I back it up?   Yes, but where, when?   So not only am I looking for a flexible, sharable, easy to use and modify data (repository) system, I am looking for something ‘in the cloud’ without downloading lots of software and spending lots of time and money working on it.   Ah, so my research today led me to take a look at Google’s Fusion Tables.  So far, I’m impressed with the examples.  Wow, I really like the Google Open Refine idea, a tool that let’s you clean up the data and polish it, like spelling all those categories the same way, e.g. Development, development, development tools would fit in to one category and fill in those blanks, like how did that get in there anyway?  Open Refine at openrefine.org [link not secured] formerly Google Refine was a desktop application.  It ran on data that is in a .csv file, which is a text file with the entries delimited by commas (usually) and cleans it up.  Then you import your ‘refined’ file into the Google Fusion Table (online) and I can share with whomever I like.  I usually keep my data in Microsoft Access, however, it is fairly straightforward to export to .csv.  By the way, Google Fusion Tables have the following limits to importing: (see FAQ ) 

10/22/2018 screen shot

[Nested list block inside quotation block not possible with editor.]

“What kind of files can I import? How big can they be? You can import these filetypes.

Original fusion table parameters quotation
  • .csv files up to 100 MB
  • spreadsheet files (.xls, .xslx, .ods) up to 1 MB
  • Google spreadsheets .kml files up to 100 MB

We support a quota of up to 250MB per user.😮 When someone shares a table with you it does not count against your quota.”

Original fusion table parameters quotation
Working with  Google Open Refine  led to   Freebase (an unfortunate search word) which is no longer available: “The Freebase API has been shut-down.”  which may be another valuable resource in the battle to stay organized, develop and share.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking back:

HTML5 A peek at the future….

Source: HTML Living Standard Last Updated 3 February 2011 Web Address a.k.a. Input type=’url’ example:


“The first four URLs in this sample consist of the four URLs in the author-specified list that match the text the user has entered….

The last two URLs …are the matches from the user agent’s session history data. This data is not made available to the page DOM. In this particular case, the UA has no titles to provide for those values.”

In the near future, we will be able to insert in our web pages an ‘intelligent’ url listing to help our users navigate to the desired location based on just a little typing.  I’m anxious to use this feature.  Looks like Opera and (Google) chrome should have available soon.😆 Yah think?!