2014-06-03 Water Conservation

Did I tell you about how I almost spent my summer? :

“…. While purpose of the study is to provide more water for the trees, I hope to answer other questions.  Do plants in similar environments develop better root systems alone or in competition?  Do the recommended soil amendments vary across the back of the yard? Measuring and meeting the watering needs of similar plants in similar soils should provide results indicating the benefits of shade and the range of water usage. I hope that the benefits of knowing which plants grow best in different locations using the least amount of water should prove valuable information.  In addition, I hope to optimize soil nutrient and utilize water more efficiently in the future. ”

On a study designed to measure water usage in the back yard.

“…. the wireless monitoring device [Koubachi K002 Outdoor Wi-Fi Plant Sensor] will be tested, materials ordered, and seedlings gathered.   I propose to provide one wireless monitoring device in each of the experimental plant pots to maximize the information obtained from this study. This wireless device will allow much faster and improved data collection for each individual plant, including light, temperature and water. “

2014-03-31 Another Windows Machine?

I am not sure how this works and I am not sure what to do.  That does seem to fit together after a fashion.  I need a server, quickbooks (newer version), Artrage program and some office products NOT $ every year and no time for updates.  Goggle docs works for most things.  I used these web sites to do assignments that require HTML characters and symbols, but clicking on the HTML tag in the editing phase and I can transfer to PDF for printing, etc.  Here’s the tricky part.  I have to down size.  Time is less and less so I need to be more efficient.  Minimize the machines I have to keep up and running.  Quirky little HP laptop has to go.  But how do I store on a database where I can program what I need WITHOUT learning a whole different world of programming and still have physical room to work. Necessary space has shrunk up in recent days.  I need to be highly portable and flexible, which implies cloud based technologies, but the world is not quite ready.  It is a dilemma I am working on.  First, keep these websites active and finish up my homework/class so I can get on with things this summer.  Ooo, tomorrow is April 1 – April fool.  Best not decide then.  Waiting…