2015-08-08 Mind and Body in Cooperation

I think and work best when I am able to exercise and eat “best” for me.  I am making great progress in the last 3 weeks, so I am investigation ways to improve on the things that aren’t going so well.  There is nothing like being able to concentrate, sleep and live my life with less aches and pains, right? Since Vitamin D has made my digestion so much better (recommended by WebMd for my symptoms), and I have read about the benefits of absorption of iron benefits for my particular pecularities (hypothyroidism), I have looked into Vitamin C supplements.  Yes, I am not going for all the advertising of the benefits, but Vitamin D3 is wonderful, though I have to remember to take it every other day, since I my best choice was only available in double the dosage I want to take.  I have put some yogurt (once a week) on the menu in my diet to rebuild my tummy bugs after a bout of antibiotics likely took them out.  I had a root canal, which wasn’t bad at all compared to what I went through finding out I needed one.  I have been reading about how to keep my teeth healthy and I need to cut down on the acid foods, but they are the ones with the most Vitamin C, so I looked for a good source of supplement. Finding Vitamin C supplements is easy.  Finding one without soy, glutens, etc., is much more difficult.  These are some of my notes:

Symptoms: Low Energy, Poor Oral Health, Mood Changes, Bruising, Limb or Joint Pain

Benefits: Antioxidant that removes free radicals (aging), boost immunity AND from The Vitamin C Connection by Pacific Coast Labs:

“…[C]an reduce symptoms of stomach irritation and inflammation.

“Scientists consider vitamin C as the ‘grandfather’ of any traditional antioxidants ever known. It is essential for proper functioning of your body, as well as prevention of a number of diseases. …. Adults aged 65 years and older also have higher requirements for vitamin C because of differences in the immune system…. Most studies have reported that a person can benefit from taking anywhere from 500 mg a day or higher…  It’s difficult to overdose on ascorbic acid, since it is water soluble. This means, extra amounts not utilized by the body, leaves your system through urine within 24 hours. However, you still need to be careful. Avoid taking it on an empty stomach, or taking large doses, more than 1000 mg, at one time.”

Also from:

“Vitamin C.  Many people are aware that vitamin C can help with the immune system, which is why many people take vitamin C when dealing with the common cold.  …. [A] … study showed that vitamin C demonstrates an anti-viral immune response early in the infectious process, especially against the influenza virus (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23700397).”

P.S. Best way to keep track of my progress so far: MyFitnessPal

Updated 06/13/2016 My teeth are much better. Two good checkups after going to Xylitol products.  I got this book on Amazon, “Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye” and it works. https://www.drellie.com/