2016-05-09 Is Bio X4 Working?

I have been taking these pills (3 times daily) for coming up on 30 days now and I can report that my digestion is much improved. I am not convinced that it is entirely due to these pills, but most changes in my digestion (diet, food types, etc) have shown their true colors around 10 days in.  So far I am pleased that I can tolerate them, because having gas, bloating and IBS symptoms is just not much fun when it gets to be all day, every day.  I am much improved, though I do not know whether to attribute all to the new pills, I have not changed much else.  I have been exercising more regularly, and taking my “vinegar cocktail” which used to really add to the gas, so I guess that is proof that it is working. I don’t know about the long term effects of these type of additives, especially the “appetite suppressant.” I have never taken an appetite suppressant before and I didn’t want one now, but what can it hurt?  I have less cravings for chocolate and salt lately, but that could be less stress. I am not dropping poundage, but I didn’t want to get loose skin anyway.  I want to gradually lose as I maintain cognition (see I can still spell that word) and high energy levels, more muscle.  While the verdict is still out, I am leaning on the positive side.


2015-12-23 Fitness Bracelet Battles?

What does the war between Garmin’s Vivosmart HR and Fitbit Charge HR have to do with HR? Nothing, except it came up in my search for the latest HR news, oops.  Therefore, I categorized this under Health AND Human Resources. Part of the function of the Human Resources HR is to work on the wellness of the employees. I am personally interested, though I do not need another device, I think it is cool and would like to ‘challenge’ my family and coworkers.  I am ‘guessimating’ my exercise now.  I like the idea of people challenging themselves to better health.


Updated 06/11/2016: This last March I ended up purchasing the UnderArmour Wristband for tracking my exercise, sleep, heart rate and activity.  I am really glad I did, because I am much better at getting up off my feet and staying healthier because I “keep moving”. [The message appears and the wrist band vibrates whenever I remain still for 60 minutes. How cool is that?!]


2015-08-08 Mind and Body in Cooperation

I think and work best when I am able to exercise and eat “best” for me.  I am making great progress in the last 3 weeks, so I am investigation ways to improve on the things that aren’t going so well.  There is nothing like being able to concentrate, sleep and live my life with less aches and pains, right? Since Vitamin D has made my digestion so much better (recommended by WebMd for my symptoms), and I have read about the benefits of absorption of iron benefits for my particular pecularities (hypothyroidism), I have looked into Vitamin C supplements.  Yes, I am not going for all the advertising of the benefits, but Vitamin D3 is wonderful, though I have to remember to take it every other day, since I my best choice was only available in double the dosage I want to take.  I have put some yogurt (once a week) on the menu in my diet to rebuild my tummy bugs after a bout of antibiotics likely took them out.  I had a root canal, which wasn’t bad at all compared to what I went through finding out I needed one.  I have been reading about how to keep my teeth healthy and I need to cut down on the acid foods, but they are the ones with the most Vitamin C, so I looked for a good source of supplement. Finding Vitamin C supplements is easy.  Finding one without soy, glutens, etc., is much more difficult.  These are some of my notes:

Symptoms: Low Energy, Poor Oral Health, Mood Changes, Bruising, Limb or Joint Pain

Benefits: Antioxidant that removes free radicals (aging), boost immunity AND from The Vitamin C Connection by Pacific Coast Labs:

“…[C]an reduce symptoms of stomach irritation and inflammation.

“Scientists consider vitamin C as the ‘grandfather’ of any traditional antioxidants ever known. It is essential for proper functioning of your body, as well as prevention of a number of diseases. …. Adults aged 65 years and older also have higher requirements for vitamin C because of differences in the immune system…. Most studies have reported that a person can benefit from taking anywhere from 500 mg a day or higher…  It’s difficult to overdose on ascorbic acid, since it is water soluble. This means, extra amounts not utilized by the body, leaves your system through urine within 24 hours. However, you still need to be careful. Avoid taking it on an empty stomach, or taking large doses, more than 1000 mg, at one time.”

Also from:

“Vitamin C.  Many people are aware that vitamin C can help with the immune system, which is why many people take vitamin C when dealing with the common cold.  …. [A] … study showed that vitamin C demonstrates an anti-viral immune response early in the infectious process, especially against the influenza virus (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23700397).”

P.S. Best way to keep track of my progress so far: MyFitnessPal

Updated 06/13/2016 My teeth are much better. Two good checkups after going to Xylitol products.  I got this book on Amazon, “Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye” and it works. https://www.drellie.com/

2015-06-14 Iron Deficiencies



“Iron Toxicity

One needs to be careful when supplementing with iron to avoid a toxicity problem. ….

“How Does Iron Relate To Thyroid Health?

…[I]ron is necessary to help deliver oxygen to all of the areas of the body, and this of course includes the thyroid gland.  Iron, along with other minerals, is important for thyroid hormone synthesis.  Even though selenium is the main mineral involved in converting T4 to T3, iron also plays a role in this.  Iron is also important for the formation of cortisol, and in other articles I’ve spoken about how the adrenals can affect thyroid health.  Earlier in this article I also stated how iron is important for optimal immune system health, which is important for those people with Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis…..

“Food Sources of Iron

There are two forms of dietary iron.  One form is heme iron, which is about 10% to 30% absorbable and is found in foods such as meat, fish, and poultry.  Nonheme iron is the other form, which is only 1% to 10% absorbable and is found in plant based foods, such as nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains.  So heme iron is more absorbable, which is one reason why vegetarians are more susceptible to having an iron deficiency.  Dairy products also have some iron, although it’s a very small amount and is poorly absorbed.”

Source: First for Women

“Escape the thyroid/tiredness fat trap”:

“…. Scientists have discovered that internal inflammation prevents the body from optimally metabolizing iron–a nutrient that plays a critical role in the production of thyroid hormones.  As Lisa Tussing-Humphreys, Ph.D., a researcher at the Department of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago, explains, “The iron-regulating hormone <i>hepcidin</i> is like the knob that controls the spigot.” When iron levels are low, hepcidin levels drop, opening the spigot so iron can flow into the thyroid and activate metabolism-revving hormones.  When the body has the iron it needs, the faucet is turned off and excess iron is stored for future use.  But inflammation hinders this process–it keeps hepcidin levels elevated, trapping iron in cells so the body can’t metabolize it.”


“….The key to thyroid health is enjoying iron-rich and anti-inflammatory foods. …. As the body starts burning stored fat, the benefits multiply. “When you lose weight, it regulates your iron metabolism,” says Tussing-Humphreys.  “And your hepcidin levels are decreased by as much as 75 percent.” As iron balance is restored, stubborn pounds melt away even faster — and it’s easier to keep off lost pounds for life. ….. Food pairings that rev iron metabolism: …. Hummus + Red peppers, Nuts + Strawberries, Beans + Salsa .”

Other Iron Rich foods:



“Iron-Rich Foods

By Mary Anne Dunkin,

Reviewed by Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD> on October 02, 2014

Spinach may not give you superhuman strength to fight off villains like Popeye’s nemesis Bluto, but this leafy green and other  foods containing iron can help you fight a different type of enemy — iron-deficiency anemia….. As a result, you may feel weak, tired, and irritable….. About 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women, and 3% of men do not have enough iron in their body. The solution, in many cases, is to consume more foods high in iron.

Your body absorbs the most iron from heme sources. Nonheme iron is from plant sources.

Iron-Rich Foods

Very good sources of heme iron:

  • 3 ounces of beef or chicken >liver, clams, mollusks, mussels or oysters (3.5 milligrams)
  • 3 ounces of cooked beef, oil canned sardines or cooked turkey (2.1 milligrams)
  • 3 ounces of chicken, halibut, haddock, perch, salmon, tuna, ham, veal (0.7 milligrams)

“Iron in plant foods such as lentils, beans, and spinach is nonheme iron. This is the form of iron added to iron-enriched and iron-fortified foods. Our bodies are less efficient at absorbing nonheme iron, but most dietary iron is nonheme iron.

Nonheme iron:

  • Breakfast cereals enriched with iron, one cup of cooked beans, one-half cup of tofu, one ounce of pumpkin, sesame, or squash seeds (3.5 milligrams)
  • kidney beans, chickpeas, or split peas, one cup of dried apricots,one medium baked potato, one medium stalk of broccoli, one cup of cooked enriched egg noodles, one-fourth cup of wheat germ (2.1 milligrams)
  • One ounce of peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, roasted almonds, roasted cashews, or sunflower seeds, one-half cup of dried seedless raisins, peaches, or prunes, one cup of spinach, one medium green pepper, one cup of pasta, one slice of bread, pumpernickel bagel, or bran muffin, one cup of rice (0.7 milligrams)

How to Get More Iron From Your Food

Some foods can help your body absorb iron from iron-rich foods; others can hinder it. To absorb the most iron from the foods you eat, avoid drinking tea or coffee or tea or consuming calcium-rich foods or drinks with meals containing iron-rich foods. To improve your absorption of iron, eat it along with a good source of vitamin C — such as orange juice, broccoli, or strawberries — or eat nonheme iron foods with a food from the meat, fish, and poultry group.”

2015-04-28 In Between May Be Better Than Aged In

I learned a new expression “aged in” which is what happens when you turn 65 and get your retirement benefits.  Apparently you get a deluge of mail (and email) trying to get your business.  I am at that ‘in between’ stage where I am not eligible for any benefits and have no significant source of income.  I am in the category where I can spend all my money on health care or take the risk of uncovered illness with tax penalties.  It is a full time job just to manage to save as much money as possible without succumbing to risky investments.  I had reduced what I purchased to only what was absolutely necessary, but loosened the purse strings to buy some luxury items, like the first new jeans and shirts I had purchased since 2008 when I lost my job.  So I am NOT feeling sorry for myself, but I am aware that I am spending more of my time trying to manage what money I have left to extend as far as possible. I am sure that I am not alone.  I always thought of myself as smart and self-sufficient, yet here I am questioning whether I should withdraw everything and sit on the less than 1 percent interest or risk 1/3 on the chance that I might be able to get a monthly income that I can live on.  The exception to my plan was $750 month health care premium.  I am sure that it will just keep going up. OMG. What can we do? Stay as healthy as possible — and keep moving.

2014-12-15 Using My Eyes Is Clear Enough

I have this, minor problem:


I use my eyes doing close up work every day for hours with magnifying eye glasses.  It works for me.  Yeah, it is tiresome not being able to read without glasses, but for me the alternatives are a waste of money.  I wore bifocals in the 80s for a while, but it turned out that the problem clears up when I stop doing the closeup work for long periods of time.  I am farsighted. I am getting to an age when it takes some time for my eyes to adjust back and forth and they are also sensitive to allergies.  I also have some risk of ‘bulging’ due to hypothyroidism.  Therefore, I am going to get an exam to make sure there is no underlying disease.  I cannot wait to see what they say if they want me to correct the vision in my right eye and I say no.  I need to be able to drive.  With two eyes I can see good.  With one blurry, I have a ‘dominant’ eye.  If it weren’t for the peripheral vision loss, I might likely avoid an exam another decade or so.  Recent advances in correcting color blindness and surgeries convince me that in my old age I’m going to have lots more choices that my parents did.  I can hardly wait.  (Yes, that was sarcasm.)  This is the web site I used to decide on an appointment.  https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/eye-health-low-vision I am expecting a bill for around $230 just to find out.  I doubt there is anything serious going on, but it does not hurt (much) to find out. [Update: $170 to set a base line, eyes are good.]

I have pupils that are more dilated than most people.  Good news is that I can see better in dimmer lights.  Bad news is that I have problems with glare, car lights at night and computer brightness.  When I work on the computer, I use the computer’s light and turn off most or all of the other lights.  This keeps peripheral glare from distracting me from my concentration.  I often wear sunglasses to watch TV when my eyes get fuzzy.  The TV, especially when watching football games can be tiring on my eyes.  I wear my sunglasses outside even on cloudy days because UV radiation (those that cause sunburn) comes through clouds and is believed to contribute to the development of cataracts. [“Sunglasses are a great and inexpensive way to protect your eyes from the sun. Important in summer as well as in winter, proper sunglasses keep the UV rays from affecting your eyes and causing problems such as cataracts.” Source: https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/sunglasses-directory]

The number one injury in the manufacturing plants that I worked in over the years was to the eye(s).  Even though I wore safety glasses, they did not protect the side of my eyes, or they fogged up so bad I could not see clearly.  I wear reading glasses to see close up.  By the time I figured out that I could wear sunglasses that were safety glass rated, with side panels over my reading glasses, I was laid off.  Typically, as soon as you figure something out that works for you, the situation changes.  No worries.  I switch glasses on a regular basis to keep my eyes in shape.  I work them to keep the muscles in shape, all the way to the right and left.  To “see” you move your eyes back and forth.  One of my eyes likes to lay around and make the other do all the work.  Those new efficient light bulbs that they are converting businesses to (florescent is certain ranges) will cause glare that bothers me.  I have kept my sunglasses on while shopping and people probably conclude that I am drugged up or stoned, however, it does help.  When I am in a hurry, flashing bright lights can make me dizzy and I start “seeing” dark spots on the edges.  This is a common occurrence.  In fact, my boss changed all the new florescent bulbs to a softer color with less glare around and in my office even though they were more expensive.  He was a good boss.  Many people at the plant complained that the new lights ‘were making them sick.’  I knew what they meant.  Some people said they caused migraines.  Now, I guess, I am my own boss.  Although I do not get paid much, I am really good at accommodating myself.  I wear safety glasses when I am mowing or painting.  Unfortunately, they fog up.  I have my eye on a pair safety glasses that do not fog up.  They look like they might work. https://www.amazon.com/Pyramex-Highlander-Safety-Eyewear-Anti-Fog/dp/B003UYESQU/ref=cm_wl_huc_item  Wait a minute.  I could wear ski goggles, now that would be cool.  I could even let other people test them for me first.  Yeah, anti-fog, black, good lookin’ ski goggles.  That’s the ticket.  Be cool guys.


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2014-12-15 Tea, empathy and needlepoint

I have been trying different teas recently as part of my ‘wellness’ routine.  I have found that cardamom tea does work as a good soother of a sweet tooth craving.  According to a Dr. Oz show some time ago, this spice tricks your brain into thinking it is having sugar.  I also believe that as advertised on the label, the Vanilla and Cinnamon tea for Healthy Skin is working.  (I am allergic to many skin products, eg. parabens and aloe.  Therefore, I use those items sparingly, if at all, to minimize my exposure and take supplements, eg vitamin A.) I also like to use peppermint tea to cool a queasy or uneasy stomach.  It works, but the peppermint oil makes my lips tingle.  I have some vanilla (extract), cinnamon and peppermint (extract), which I use regularly in my cooking, along with turmeric sprinkles on top (occasionally).  I mix my teas.  Yes, it true.  A blend is nice, but can be tricky.  Green tea taste bitter to me and like black, red and white tea contains a heavier fluoride content, which I avoid to keep my fluoride intake consistent for a healthy thyroid (see pg. 263 of “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause” by Izabella Wentx, PharmD, FASCP with Marta Nowosadzka, MD ISBN: 09780615825793).  I like cardamom with vanilla and cinnamon.  Anything smooths out a chai and a little ginger tea is hard to swallow – literally, so I take on approximate 1/3 cup with some other smoother tea.  I love Earl Greys (especially Twinings), unfortunately, it make me sneeze.  Twinings, Numi and Yogi are my favorite brands, though, I have to say mostly because I cannot locate other brands in the local grocery.  Though they may be more expensive, you can buy in bulk (e.g. subscribe at Amazon for example) and always have an ample supply for guests, lol.  This is funny because I have always wanted to have a “tea party” as an adult I have never had one.  Hey, that’s another item for the bucket list? Menu: https://entertaining.about.com/cs/coffeesandteas1/a/afternoonteamen.htm

You should remember to check the tea ingredients.  I believe that most of the grocery store varieties barely contain much of the tea they have on the label – the labelled ingredients indicate more of the fillers, eg. black.  My organic cardamom Pu’erh tea that I was unable to locate locally contains mostly organic Black Pu’erh Tea.  Life is fully of complexities, so I minimize the cardamom, however, according to wikipedia: “Pu-erh  or  Pu’er is a variety of fermented  “dark tea ”  produced in  Yunnan province, China.” Therefore, I am correctly ‘healing’ by introducing a low dose of probiotics and ‘fermented’ foods into my diet. (see pg. 311 of “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause” by Izabella Wentx, PharmD, FASCP with Marta Nowosadzka, MD ISBN: 09780615825793).

Life is complicated.  A healthy diet, reducing stress, relaxation and mindfulness are all good ideas, but each individual is different in their response to these.  Yes, it is ironic that most of us may not ‘have time’ to take time for a mindfulness practice.  Hey, I get it.  I had a group of bargain needlepoint kits in my closet for over twenty years.  We had a flood last year and I needed something that I could do that would take my mind off of the state of 0ur home.  I really had to concentrate to get the those itty, bitty cross stitches in the right places and I had to get some magnifying glasses to do it.  After a few months, after I talked myself into taking on the one that everyone said “will take you years to finish,” I found myself so looking forward to a little quiet time, a bright light (preferred morning sun) and a ‘spot of tea’.  My family supplied the sympathy or was that empathy?  In any case, I am deeply appreciative of all the people that helped us get our environment livable and for the flow of peaceful acceptance that happened as I created and backed out less and less “misstitches” in my work.  I will SOMEDAY finish them all, then buy more and keep going.  Working on those little creations  made me a more relaxed and easy going person with a better and more positive attitude and I want to share my discovery with others.  If they just put it in their closets for twenty years, I will know that it is there, waiting for them to come to the point that they work on even when they think that they will never be able to do it.  One stitch at a time girls. Have a happy tea break, anyway.

2012-07-11 Work AND Play

Write your own ted talk is about the art of having FUN everyday, work and play new routine. Here’s mine:

“Breathe deeply.  I want you to have plenty of OXYGEN for thinking.  Girls have big FEET.  This is probably by DESIGN. The PROBLEM is those tiny shoes.  SO, what we do is redo the entire method of BUILDING.  I am in the midst of an AIRCRAFT PROJECT which will give them plenty of room for those clown toes!  You don’t have to have kids.  You can fly if you want to.  It’s your party! Next, I’m going to fix the computer keyboard for those small hands of (y)ours.”

So funny.

Note: Must move for approx 10 minutes every hour!  Sitting too much.

Have Access 2007 Form Submit button calling Form code function that opens word, creates new document, then closes. Runs fast.  Now to incorporate memo fields. Used code from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd789430(v=office.12) for Excel. Added GetChunk method from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb221037(v=office.12).aspx for memo fields (and photos).  Otherwise text is truncated to 255 characters.