2016-05-09 Treetastic

Now these are so tall and lasting so long this year with the good weather and rain.  Much better than the dry, dusty drought we had, though I doubt those who suffered through this year's floods and storms are of the same mind.  Loverly, though.
Trees after trim Nov 2017 SLH (Original Picture Lost)

2016-05-09 HR : Would Employees Want to Read a Newsletter?

HR Wordle_0

  1. Information about how to do my job better or in less time.
  2. Inspiration for health, appetite, safety or home improvements.
  3. Management updates on what’s new with my company.
  4. Spotlights on employees (recognition, graduations, births, guest speakers, etc.)
  5. Ideas for discussion topics on areas of concern.
  • Cost versus value.  Is it tangible?
  • Reputation, impression, awareness, communication.
  • Resources, sources, I/O, feedback.
  • Impact studies, circulation, distribution, promotion.
  • Requests, suggestions, rewards, awards and competition.

This is an outline of an article on creating, designing and discussing an employee newsletter.

2016-05-09 Win 10 Installed

Everything works better and start up and shut down is fantastically fast. However, from mid March until today I have NOT BEEN ON THE INTERNET. So, I can’t wait to see how long my updates take and how many of them there are. I can confirm that Win 10 (another upgrade from Win 7) went as smoothly, though they were struck with a bad virus in the early days of working on it and we had to work to get the virus off.  Hours and hours of AVAST repair.  It is working, though we discovered old hard disk with errors and I have this feeling that this is a common occurrence.  I recommend copy all of your most precious data files (movies, photos and books), to an external hard drive (we use passport) so if the worst happens (tornado, flood, etc.) you can carry them in your bug out bag.

2016-05-09 Is Bio X4 Working?

I have been taking these pills (3 times daily) for coming up on 30 days now and I can report that my digestion is much improved. I am not convinced that it is entirely due to these pills, but most changes in my digestion (diet, food types, etc) have shown their true colors around 10 days in.  So far I am pleased that I can tolerate them, because having gas, bloating and IBS symptoms is just not much fun when it gets to be all day, every day.  I am much improved, though I do not know whether to attribute all to the new pills, I have not changed much else.  I have been exercising more regularly, and taking my “vinegar cocktail” which used to really add to the gas, so I guess that is proof that it is working. I don’t know about the long term effects of these type of additives, especially the “appetite suppressant.” I have never taken an appetite suppressant before and I didn’t want one now, but what can it hurt?  I have less cravings for chocolate and salt lately, but that could be less stress. I am not dropping poundage, but I didn’t want to get loose skin anyway.  I want to gradually lose as I maintain cognition (see I can still spell that word) and high energy levels, more muscle.  While the verdict is still out, I am leaning on the positive side.


2015-12-23 Fitness Bracelet Battles?

What does the war between Garmin’s Vivosmart HR and Fitbit Charge HR have to do with HR? Nothing, except it came up in my search for the latest HR news, oops.  Therefore, I categorized this under Health AND Human Resources. Part of the function of the Human Resources HR is to work on the wellness of the employees. I am personally interested, though I do not need another device, I think it is cool and would like to ‘challenge’ my family and coworkers.  I am ‘guessimating’ my exercise now.  I like the idea of people challenging themselves to better health.


Updated 06/11/2016: This last March I ended up purchasing the UnderArmour Wristband for tracking my exercise, sleep, heart rate and activity.  I am really glad I did, because I am much better at getting up off my feet and staying healthier because I “keep moving”. [The message appears and the wrist band vibrates whenever I remain still for 60 minutes. How cool is that?!]


2015-12-23 Christmas Gift Book Box

I have all these crafty people in my family and the if the perfect gift forces them to make something for themselves, so much the better? Well, they may not think so, but I have so many ideas about things they could do that I cannot decide for them what they would like.  So here are some of the ideas I came across, just in case.

Source: PrettyHandyGirl.com
How to Make New Wood Look Old and Weathered


Valspar Antiquing Glaze in Asphaltum
Valspar Translucent Color Glaze in Mocha
Valspar Clear Mixing Glaze
Minwax Early American Stain
Rustoleum Sunbleached Stain
Rubber Gloves
Wide flat brush

Weathered boards have a warm gray color. To create this color I stained the boards with Rustoleum sunbleached. Then wiped off the excess.Next I added a little Minwax Early American and wiped it off.The results are the blue-gray weathered look. For more dimension and detail try adding the glazing technique described below….

Valspar Antiquing Glaze in Asphaltum
Valspar Translucent Color Glaze in Mocha
Valspar Clear Mixing Glaze

Mix 4 parts clear mixing glaze with 2 part mocha glaze and 1 part antiquing asphaltum glaze.
Mix thoroughly. The resulting color should be a very dark chocolate color. Adjust your color by adding more mocha or more asphaltum.

Dip your flat brush into the glaze and drag it over the wood. The glaze really accentuates the grain in the wood.
Shake or tap the brush on a stick to give your lumber age freckles.
For more uniform color, brush the glaze over the entire board (don’t forget the ends of the wood.)
Rub the glaze into the wood and wipe off any excess.

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And another idea for treating the wood. Be careful about treating the wood with glaze, finishes or oil based products if you plan to use paint.  I do not like the smell of paint, so I use wax or stain underneath.

[images no longer available]

Also, I thought you could treat clay like a ‘leather layer’ by adding a picture of a book cover to it.  This has some ideas:  https://www.ehow.com/how_8387659_transfer-images-polymer-clay.html

In addition here are some pictures of projects out there.

[images no longer available]

Actually, chalkboard paint would be cool, then you could easily change as you like.  Merry Christmas.

2015-11-10 A future’s vision.Too Disney?

I had an opportunity to walk around a property that would be perfect for the tiny house and/or energy efficient, depending on $ available. I am not invested in the outcome, but talk about location! So I know that nothing ever seems to work out like we imagine, but my future, in my head looks like Disney, with a tiny house, big garden, old fashioned windmill, water well, and maybe some solar panels. Hey, a old girl can still dream.[images no longer available]

2015-11-10 Human Resources Software Back In Demand

Maybe you don’t need the full package, but as a systems analyst, I’m betting that there are some activities in your company that are resource hogs of people, time or materials.  Many of the ‘old school’ thoughts are that doing tasks more efficiently means that employees will be sitting around with nothing to do. In reality, you choose the procedures, software and communication activities to improve and you can reduce overtime, increase accuracy and GENERATE more business. You can more utilize your employee(s) time and give them a morale boost in the bargain.  What if they spent their break time coming up with ideas that could help grow your business?  What difference would it make to your production if the employees could easily contribution those ideas?  How many times have you heard the comment that company ABC did not get the business because they could not gear up to efficiently handle the increased workload?  Whether it means hiring more staff, working in more locations or dealing with a new set of vendors –taking on profitable projects add to the workload in unforeseen ways. Smoothing out the bottle necks and getting processes fine tuned to handle the workload effectively can keep your company a fun place to work.

Related Article in Entrepreneur Magazine

2015-11-10 Chromebook for Christmas

I got a great deal on a Samsung Chromebook (through Amazon).  Merry Christmas to me.

Updated 2015-12-23

I got a new chromebook with my christmas money and I love it.  The battery last longer, the usb ports are easier to get to and it is a little faster.  All the settings/apps and everything from my old chromebook (google+) account is exactly the same.  I set up another account on the old one and voila I am in business again with out a hiccup.  The problem is that everyone else I know is so used to windows world, where they sit and wait and wait and wait, that they do not want to use the old one.  Well, there is a bit of a learning curve.  It’s so great to be able to turn it on and seconds later be on the internet and not have to worry about security and updates so much.  Don’t get me wrong, updates do happen but they are so not intrusive, I barely even notice.  All my ‘data’ is on the cloud or on flash drives that I swap in and out.  I am planning to update my Win7 desktop early next year, to Win 10.  I am enjoying the peace of having a nice holiday with out UPDATE headaches.

2015-11-10 Virgin Mobile Top Up Card

We have an old cell phone that we barely use, but it is easier to hear on, simple big buttons and we were getting 90 days with $20 top up cards. Of course, we had to keep over $100 on the account and every time it says that we will have so many days, it backs up a few days when it comes to renewing. Recently, unable to find any top up cards at $20 for “Virgin Mobile” in town, I found a supply of ecards at Walmart. I should have ordered more, but I ordered one and a few months later, here I am unable to order more.  They say it’s good, then Walmart cancels the order.  Amazon has $20 cards for much more than $20 plus shipping.  I guess we are going to have to go to $25, but I do not want to WASTE $5 per month, so we will probably review cell phones entirely and see if there is an alternative.

Update: Unwilling to give up, I searched all the local stores, including the bottom of their card shelves.  I found cards at Market Street and I buy in pairs way before I run out.  Wonder how long it will be before these go away too?!

Updated 06/13/2016: Cards still available at Market Street. Be sure to confirm on the receipt they have been activated.